US, UK Navies Respond to Ship in Strait of Hormuz

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The Facts

  • The US Navy and the UK's Royal Navy said their sailors came to the aid of a ship in the Strait of Hormuz on Sunday afternoon, after reports that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC) “harassed” the vessel.

  • According to a US statement, three fast-attack IRGC vessels with armed troops aboard approached a commercial ship at a close distance Sunday afternoon in the Strait of Hormuz. The US Navy provided black-and-white images it said came from a US Navy Boeing P-8 Poseidon overhead, showing three small boats nearby to the commercial vessel.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The US and UK navies are devoted to protecting the Straight of Hormuz from Iranian aggression. This recent incident goes to show the strength and responsiveness of these navies.

Establishment-critical narrative

Neither Iran nor the US is completely blame-free in this conflict, as both sides have stoked aggression through the seizing of ships and displays of military strength. De-escalation and dialogue must be pursued.

Metaculus Prediction

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